Thursday, June 14, 2012

15 weeks

So, I am still trying to catch you up on our journey this far.  BTW we are due December 1st (not sure if I already told you that).  As of a few weeks ago, we are "in the safe zone" which I have come to understand means anything after 12 weeks.  I knew nothing about pregnancy and am learning something new everyday.  I knew about morning sickness but had never heard of some of the other symptoms (only a few of which I care to mention to the world).  Let me stop right here and say- I have been REALLY LUCKY.  I haven't been sick once and overall I have felt pretty good.  The first trimester I was pretty tired, but as long as I ate regularly I felt fine.  I had no idea that at this early stage in the game I would already be waking up all night to use the restroom and if anyone had told me about "pregnancy amnesia" six months ago I would have said they were crazy.  Believe me, not only is it a real thing, it is alive and well.

Now to the exciting news- we get to find out the sex on Monday!  Just four short days away and we will know if our little bean is a boy or a girl!  We have invited my parents down to join us and see first hand if their one and only grandchild needs pink or blue accessories.  We found out a few weeks ago that we had the option of doing an additional ultrasound at 16 weeks to determine the sex.  Chess wasn't really for it since we have another ultrasound at 20 weeks and could just wait and find out the sex then.  But I have heard several people tell me since I have been pregnant that their ultrasounds were wrong.  The way I look at it, is you spend a lot of money on "stuff" that is gender specific, so I would rather have two looks to be sure :)

So here is a picture of my belly at 15 weeks.  I feel like I am already huge and can barely fit in most of my clothes and can't fit into any of my jeans at all...  I know I still have a long ways to go but at this point I just can't wrap my mind around being any bigger!

1 comment:

  1. If you've read my blog you've seen the picture of my friend who recently gave birth to quads. 5'3" barely 100#'s and she had 4. You look awesome Kim.
