Saturday, July 14, 2012

Half way to Bday!

Can you believe it?  Today is half way day.  20 weeks down, 20 weeks to go.  I haven't been great about taking weekly pictures- so I have settled for committing myself to bi-weekly belly pictures.  To catch you up here is week 17 and 19.

Oh, by the way- its a BOY!  We were kinda hoping for a girl (as a parent-to-be am I allowed to admit that???).  But at our 17 week ultrasound the tech confirmed that "bean" is indeed a boy.  Now, that we know it is a boy we have decided that maybe a boy is easier?  My husband makes a valid point when he says that he thinks you never stop worrying about a girl, but that a boy can grow up to take care of himself.  I guess we will find out if that is true.

My mom and mother-in-law are busy with initial plans for a baby shower and we are working to get the room put together as well as finish the 2 million home improvement projects that we have started since we bought this home almost a year ago.  It is funny how all of the sudden I feel the urgent need to complete the projects I have happily left half finished for years....

Now we just need to come up with a name.  Any suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. Boy or Girl does a parent really ever stop worrying. The worries are just different. You're looking great!
