Saturday, June 9, 2012

The beginning of the story

Most of you reading this are likely close friends or family (my writing isn't exactly clever so I can't imagine many strangers caring to read). So I won't waste too much space with the beginning. What you mainly need to know about us is that we weren't planning on having children and we were pretty vocal about it. It isn't that we don't like kids, we have a niece & nephew we love. We just like to be around kids in short bursts and preferably not early in the morning, when they are crying, or on airplanes. So imagine our surprise when "the stick" was positive. So my husband would be disappointed if I didn't tell you he had psychically predicted this. He was on a flight to Australia and says he just KNEW I was preggo. We met up the next week in NY for our god daughters birthday and baptism and he kept asking me how I was feeling and I couldn't understand why. When we got home he started kidding me about being pregnant. This went on for several days and he had me so stressed out I relented and went and bought a pregnancy test to prove him wrong. Boy was I wrong. After 4 positive tests, I finally concluded that he may be right. We are having a baby. And we are scared to death!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you're back to posting! And with such awesome news.
    I can remember you telling me "NO KIDS"
    God has other plans for you two. LOL.
    Y'all will make awesome parents. You have so much love to share.
    Chess can entertain the baby with his electrical fire tricks. NOT!
